JAPANESE bean‐jam pancake AKANEMARU Osaka No.1 name recognition ”Akanemaru Five Colors Dorayaki” wanted overseas agent!
Especially Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Mainland China are urgently invited.
AKANEMARU bean paste’s Shelf Life Frozen storage 1 year! Room  temperature storage 60 days at  longest!
Features of the Akamaru Five Colors Dorayaki
  • Low sugar content perfect for Asian taste.
  • The cumulative total of 70 million units,the number one in Osaka and standard.
  • Established long-established store in 77 years
  • Five colors,Yuzu,Matcha variety variety isabundant.
  • Shelf life on frozen logistics 1 year(It depends on specifications,OEMnegotiable)
Our DORAYAKI products 5 kinds of beans in bean-jam Honey & Citron jams Big Chesnut Japanese Green Tea jam
We have many additional DORAYAKI! We are looking for partner companies that will develop sales channels for our products abroad together. Please apply the e-mail form here if you are interested. As a bonus, you can download the following items. A complete set of product standard documentations with reference prices.
Application Form

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